Tuesday 3 September 2013



CT scan, blood test, meet Dr G.  Dr G says, the news is mixed.  I don't have the full results of the CT yet.  But early indications are that the lung is stable, but the liver and bones may be getting worse.

So, tomorrow (Chemotherapy session 3) is on hold for now, until the full results are in.  The options then will be either - continue with the current drugs, change the drugs (probably, this time, involving hair loss), or look for a trial in London.

It is like a punch in the stomach.  Not least because it doesn't match with how I'm feeling - I feel like the treatment is doing me some - a lot of - good.  I guess this is what people mean when they say it's a rollercoaster ride.  Such a simple phrase, but the reality is not pleasant.

So, this development looks like it will take away my cosy little schedule which I have grown used to.  It might postpone the party we have planned - or mean that we have to cancel it - again.  We just don't know yet.  It is an almighty pain.  I don't want to sound too English and understated, but the whole thing is just so...bloody inconvenient.

Meanwhile - http://www.noonedeservestodie.org

Apparently, "Many people believe that if you have lung cancer you did something to deserve it".  Really?  Really?   If that's true.  I'd like a word with those people.  Each and every one of them, individually.